Are you committed to enable some level of success?


Do you promote to your stakeholders and community that your organization wants all of your portfolio companies to achieve some measure of success? 

Given no portfolio ever has 100% of its companies reach their original expectations, a partnership with us allows your organization to provide a certain subset of your portfolio companies - that presumably would not otherwise receive attention, assistance, additional funding from you (much less the same from any other serious investors) - an energized approach and another chance.

Which companies in your portfolio are good candidates?


Opportunities exist where the investments in your portfolio companies may not have reached their expected potential, or where your organization does not want to take on a more active or aggressive role in the company.  

Situations such as:

  • The company is stymied, floundering, misguided, inactive, or worse might be categorized as "the walking-dead"

  • The company's founder or CEO (or management team) is not the best-fit, is barely active, is off onto other things, or simply tired

  • The company's Board is ignorant of its fiduciary and management duties, is incapable of driving success, is dysfunctional, or is also tired

What about the risk of your reputation?


A partnership with Venture Management Partners allows you to remain passive.  Your organization will not be taking direct action, and as such this should not have any appearance as an unfriendly or politically-incorrect approach, nor result in associated undesirable consequences.  

You exchange your investment interests in certain companies for an investment interest in a Venture Management Partners portfolio. Period. Then importantly, and simply, your organization and the companies look to Venture Management Partners Purpose, Strategy and Approach.

Venture Management Partners invests from there, your portfolio companies become partners with Venture Management Partners, and the entrepreneurs benefit from the relationship between us.