…an Economic Development
Venture Partner

Technology-based economic development is your mission. And there may be some of your portfolio companies who could use help in a few areas...

  • As your portfolio grows, are you able to maintain a sound portfolio management strategy - and keep up especially in the areas of the portfolio where it may be most difficult... with those challenging and struggling companies?

  • ...and are you working with them when they need you the most? Time and resources are constraints for any organization, and especially yours in the current economic environment. There are no doubt top performers in your portfolio who probably don't need much other than your valuable capital to propel them toward success, leaving a majority that could use much of your suite of services and resources at their formative time. But finally there are perhaps a group of companies who needs certain things that your organization is simply unable to provide or unwilling to act on given its conflict with your strategic economic and community objectives. The right companies to focus on are probably the majority with whom you can maximize your organization's services and resources; but the others which you know need the type of help that is in conflict with your objectives should be dealt with as well.

  • Are you doing everything possible to improve your portfolio companies' chances for success? You did so in order to source, screen and select which companies would be rewarded with your capital; now do you have the mechanisms in place and the ability to manage those companies onto their next stage given their circumstances can you provide the necessary strategic counsel, influence decision-making, serve as a catalyst for action, enable the right partnership opportunities, secure capital, and where necessary take direct hands-on management roles on the Board and/or Management Team?